Feb 15, 2010

Unraku Workshop #3

Workshop # 3 was really mostly prep for Film Day #1 which we had on Saturday.

Here are a few items I thought were worth mentioning about working on puppet sets specifically and film sets in general:

--Stretch. Stretch again. Maybe one more time.

--Try to pre-empt possible disasters. Plan to be prepared for them.

--Your body will be contorted into uncomfortable positions for extended periods of time. It is not glamourous work.

--Bathe and wear deodorant. You never know whose nose will have to be in your armpit to get the required shot.

--Speaking of bathing....a hot shower saved my life when I got home from set. I wasn't even puppeteering very long and my body was exhausted...this brings me to...

--Consider working on building muscle endurance. I am reasonably fit but even so, my muscles were burning by the time we wrapped.

--Drink lots of water. Sure, you may have to get up from the green room couch a bajillion times to pee but at least you will feel refreshed on the day.

Other tactics:

--Bring something to do. Assume you will be spending more time waiting than on set. If that's not the case---bonus!

--If no wrap time is stated, assume you will be there at least 12 hours. If you are sent home earlier---bonus!

--Stay the hell off set if you aren't needed there.

--When you are about to spoon your eyes out from boredom and/or frustration, remember: you're getting paid to do nothing during downtime, so plant some seeds and watch them grow...repeat the mantra: "You're going to reap just what you sow" but but don't say it aloud because....

--You might lean on your walkie button and inform the whole crew and anyone else within ear shot that you have a penchant for proverbs and Lou Reed.

--Bring some extra snacks in case craft services aren't all that.

--Assume everyone in the room knows everyone else in the world and then work backwards. Re: You will look like a complete arse when you are seen jamming your foot into your mouth.

Judge Puppet

Judge Puppet sentences you to DEATH!

Feb 11, 2010

Unraku Workshop #2

The second workshop has been a little more of the same with some new improv games. The difference this time was that we had to learn how to work in a film set. We first practiced with our hands and "Peepers" (little eyes) and the monitors. We each had to do an action for 10 seconds, 6 times. The actions were called out by one of the facilitators. E.g. "Pilot. Librarian. Rap Star. Exterminator." etc. This was much more difficult than it sounds. It is very hard to think of something and not forget to act with your "puppet" at the same time. Difficult but fun. We also practiced walking into frame (with a little side to side swaying) and also manipulating a rod puppet on screen. Workshop #3 is coming up tonight!

Feb 4, 2010

Unraku Workshop # 1


The first Unraku workshop was strictly monitor work. First we did an exercise where we tried to use our hands as a puppet and follow a mentor's hand to a certain point on the screen. This isn't easy---the puppet monitors are reversed.....so it goes against your normal hand-eye coordination which, dare I say, is equivalent to learning a new language. The second exercises we did were using our hands as puppets to do an improv monologue on screen. We then partnered up with hand/mouth rod puppets to do the same thing. My partner and I got the topic "the public library". My puppet loved it, my partners puppet hated them....so the puppets talked about their feelings on screen....and hilarity ensued.

Jan 26, 2010


My god it's been an eternity since I posted! I'm coming back with a vengeance folks! I will be working with Unraku in Toronto on an upcoming film project! How exciting is that! I will keep you updated with my progress! I begin on February 2nd! Yeah!




Dance Magic Dance


herz brennt



Guy le Clown

Guy le Clown

Guy le clown

Guy le clown






An old veteran


I'd rather not remember




Hiding amongst the greens



